
Learning path to understand SharePoint Framework

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Development Environment

Visual Studio Code is the recommended editor for development, please follow below set up tutorials. Remember that you can use a Mac, PC, or Linux OS.

Set up a development environment

Tools and Libraries

| Name | Description | | —— | —— | | TypeScript | Is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript | | React | A JavaScript library for building user interfaces | | Node Package Manager (npm) | Is the package manager for JavaScript | | Node.js | Is an open source, cross-platform runtime environment for hosting and serving JavaScript code | | Gulp | Is a toolkit for automating painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow | | Webpack | Is a module bundler that takes your web part files an dependencies and generates JavaScript bundles | | Yeoman | Helps you to kickstart new projects, prescribing best practices and tools to help you stay productive | | VSCode | Is a lightweight but powerful source code editor from Microsoft |

Install optional tools

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