SPFx Learning Path

This guide is a collection of resources with the intention to help you learn SharePoint Framework (SPFx) from the ground up.
First we start with JavaScript from basic to complex concepts including EcmaScript 2015 (ES6), after that we talk about SPFx and SharePoint Patterns and Practices (PnP), at the end we discuss how to interact with SharePoint data using APIs.
- Core programming concepts
- Expirience with front-end web development
- Basic SharePoint knowledge
- HTTP web protocols
- NPM command line tool to manage JS packages
- Git source code version control
How to follow this guide?
- Clone or fork this repository
- Navigate to a particular chapter
- Review the concepts to learn section
- Mark as completed any concept that you already fully understand
- For the missing concepts review the resources section to learn about them
- When you fully understand all the concept for that chapter, go to the next one to learn more stuff
- Enjoy it!
Table of contents